AES Command - Error Messages
AES Command will fail at the first problem encountered, and will display an error message.
Missing arguments
- Error - No 1st argument. [Help | Protect | Metal | PRNG]
- Error - No Command. [E | Encrypt | D | Decrypt]
- Error - No Key Size. [128 | 192 | 256]
- Error - No Mode of Operation. [CBC | GCM | OFB | CFB | ECB | CTR | PCBC]
- Error - No Initialization Vector
- Error - No Key
- Error - No Input
- Error - No Output
- Error - No Passphrase
- Error - No Size. [64MB | 128MB | 256MB | 512MB | 1GB | 2GB | 4GB | 8GB | 16GB]
Command line argument errors
- Error - 96 bit IV can only be 24 or 35 [0-9 A-F] characters
- Error - 128 bit IV can only be 32 or 47 [0-9 A-F] characters
- Error - 128 bit key can only be 32 or 47 [0-9 A-F] characters
- Error - 192 bit key can only be 48 or 71 [0-9 A-F] characters
- Error - 256 bit key can only be 64 or 95 [0-9 A-F] characters
- Error - Passphrase > 512 Characters
File I/O and sanity checking
- Error - Input and output file names can not be the same
- Error - IV: There are too few bytes in the file
- Error - Key: There are too few bytes in the file
- Error - Could not open the input file
- Error - Could not read from the input file
- Error - Could not save the output file
- Error - Could not write to the output file
- Error - Input file contains zero bytes
- Error - Input file is too small to contain an encryption header
- Error - Only a file with a V1 header can be decrypted
- Error - Destination does not have enough space
- Error - Decryption Failure. Incorrect passphrase or damaged file
- Error - GCM Authentication Tag failure. Incorrect IV, Key or damaged file
- Error - Input file is too small to contain a GCM Authentication Tag
- Error - Input file is not a multiple of 16 bytes