AES Command - Arguments
- aescommand.exe Help
- aescommand.exe Protect Command Input Output [Overwrite] *Passphrase*
- aescommand.exe Metal Command Key-Size Mode IV Key Input Output [Overwrite]
- aescommand.exe PRNG Size Output [Overwrite]
Argument rules
- All arguments should be in the order given above
- Filenames containing spaces should be enclosed in "quotes"
- Arguments are not case sensitive
1st argument (Function as...)
- Help
- Metal
- Protect
Command (Protect / Metal)
- E or Encrypt
- D or Decrypt
Key-Size (Metal)
- 128
- 192
- 256
Mode (Metal)
Initialization Vector (Metal)
Three formats are available
- Binary read from a file. You can use a file created with the Save button under the IV tools in AES Metal
- Hexadecimal given in ASCII 0-9 A-F
- Hexadecimal given in ASCII 0-9 A-F with separators
CBC, OFB, CFB, CTR and PCBC use 16 bytes
- "d:\IV File" (File should contain 16 bytes of binary data)
- 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F
- 00:01:02:03:04:05:06:07:08:09:0A:0B:0C:0D:0E:0F
GCM uses 12 bytes
- "d:\IV File" (File should contain 12 bytes of binary data)
- 000102030405060708090A0B
- 00:01:02:03:04:05:06:07:08:09:0A:0B
ECB does not use an Initialization Vector
Key (Metal)
Three formats are available
- Binary read from a file. You can use a file created with the Save button under the key tools in AES Metal
- Hexadecimal given in ASCII 0-9 A-F
- Hexadecimal given in ASCII 0-9 A-F with separators
128 Bit Key
- "d:\Key File" (File should contain 16 bytes of binary data)
- 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F
- 00:01:02:03:04:05:06:07:08:09:0A:0B:0C:0D:0E:0F
192 Bit Key
- "d:\Key File" (File should contain 24 bytes of binary data)
- 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F1011121314151617
- 0:01:02:03:04:05:06:07:08:09:0A:0B:0C:0D:0E:0F:10:11:12:13:14:15:16:17
256 Bit Key
- "d:\Key File" (File should contain 32 bytes of binary data)
- 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F
- 00:01:02:03:04:05:06:07:08:09:0A:0B:0C:0D:0E:0F:10:11:12:13:14:15:16:17:18:19:1A:1B:1C:1D:1E:1F
Size (PRNG)
- 64MB
- 128MB
- 256MB
- 512MB
- 1GB
- 2GB
- 4GB
- 8GB
- 16GB
Input (Protect / Metal)
- "d:\example filename.txt"
Output (Protect / Metal / PRNG)
- "d:\backup\example filename.txt.aes"
Overwrite [Optional] (Protect / Metal / PRNG)
- Overwrite explicitly allows an existing output file to be overwritten
- This should be given immediately after the output file
*Passphrase* (Protect)
- The passphrase is BETWEEN the FIRST and LAST asterisks
- 1 - 512 characters
- If *aBc1*23* is given, the actual passphrase would be aBc1*23
Command Line Examples
Encrypt / Decrypt using the passphrase, Example Passphrase
- aescommand.exe Protect E d:\Accounts.txt d:\Accounts.txt.aes Overwrite *Example Passphrase*
- aescommand.exe Protect D d:\Accounts.txt.aes d:\Accounts.txt Overwrite *Example Passphrase*
Encrypt / Decrypt using a 128 bit key in ECB mode. ECB does not use an IV
- aescommand.exe Metal Encrypt 128 ECB d:\KeyFile d:\Accounts.txt d:\Accounts.txt.aes Overwrite
- aescommand.exe Metal Decrypt 128 ECB d:\KeyFile d:\Accounts.txt.aes d:\Accounts.txt Overwrite
Encrypt / Decrypt using a 256 bit key in GCM mode
- aescommand.exe Metal E 256 GCM d:\IVFile d:\KeyFile d:\Accounts.txt d:\Accounts.txt.aes Overwrite
- aescommand.exe Metal D 256 GCM d:\IVFile d:\KeyFile d:\Accounts.txt.aes d:\Accounts.txt Overwrite
Encrypt / Decrypt using a 128 bit key in CTR mode, with a command line IV. Do not overwrite an existing file
- aescommand.exe Metal E 128 CTR 00:01:02:03:04:05:06:07:08:09:0A:0B:0C:0D:0E:0F d:\KeyFile d:\Accounts.txt d:\Accounts.txt.aes
- aescommand.exe Metal D 128 CTR 00:01:02:03:04:05:06:07:08:09:0A:0B:0C:0D:0E:0F d:\KeyFile d:\Accounts.txt.aes d:\Accounts.txt
Generate 8GB of Pseudo Random
- aescommand.exe PRNG 8GB d:\PRNGFile Overwrite