AES Command - Return Codes

There are numbered return codes which are accessible through echo %ERRORLEVEL%

Operation completed
  • 0 - Encryption completed
  • 1 - Decryption completed
  • 2 - PRNG completed
  • 3 - GCM Authentication Tag fail

Command line argument errors
  • 4 - No valid first argument given. Help | Metal | Protect | PRNG
  • 5 - No valid command given. E | D | Encrypt | Decrypt
  • 6 - No valid key size given. 128 | 192 | 256
  • 7 - No valid mode given. CTR | GCM | OFB | CFB | CBC | ECB | PCBC
  • 8 - A valid IV could not be determined
  • 9 - A valid Key could not be determined
  • 10 - No input file given
  • 11 - No output file given
  • 12 - Input and output names are the same
  • 13 - No valid passphrase. *Passphrase*
  • 14 - No valid PRNG size given. 64MB | 128MB | 256MB | 512MB | 1GB | 2GB | 4GB | 8GB | 16GB

File I/O and sanity checking
  • 15 - Could not open input file
  • 16 - Could not open output file
  • 17 - Input file is not a multiple of 16 bytes
  • 18 - Input file is too small to contain a GCM Authentication Tag
  • 19 - Input file is too small to contain an encryption header
  • 20 - Only a file with a V1 header can be decrypted
  • 21 - Could not save to the output file. Locked file, or file exists and the Overwrite option not given
  • 22 - Destination does not have enough space